Are you a hug or a handshake kind of person? If you’re the latter, you might want to reconsider the power a hug can have on your health. As it turns out, that big purple dinosaur might have been on to something when he decided that hugs were the standard greeting.
We all know hugs can be comforting during hard times, but why not start making it a regular part of your day? We have a few reasons below to start doing just that.
Hugs are very powerful. Let me share some health benefits of hugs.
1.Hugging reduces blood pressure.
2.Hugs reduces common cold because it provides warmth.
3.Hugging promotes the production of oxytocin–which helps you relax and feel good.
4.Hugging can reduce inflammation
5. Hugs can reduce psychological Stress and anxiety.
6.Hugs help to improve the Immune system.
7.Hugging can minimize fears.
8.Hugs Strengthens relationships.
9. Hug decreases heart rate
10. Hugs improves Intimate relationship with your partner.
11. Hug Improves mood
12.Hug Improves sleep
13.Hugs may help quell existential crises
14.Hugs releases tension
15.There is no downside to hugging.
16. Hugs reduces Depression
17. Hugs improve Heart health
18.Hugging boosts self esteem
19. Hugging increases serotonin levels
Hug someone today